Volume Analysis
Volume Volume is defined as the number of shares, or contracts traded, whether for a stock or an index. Volume can be seen on an hourly time frame, a day, a week, a month, etc. The analysis of volume is a basic and very important element of technical analysis. The intensity and strength of a given price move can be judged by studying volume. The greater the volume the more active that stock is. As in the figure below of Reliance stock, the volume bars are usually plotted at the bottom of any chart represent the volume of trading. The Importance of Volume Volume and Trends combination In technical analysis volume is used for both confirming trends and also for confirming chart patterns.Volume is an important indicator for analyzing the strength of a move. For example, if an up or down move is accompanied by high volume, the move can be said as a strong move. As we have seen in the previous chart patterns blog's, during the consolidation period the volume is usually null or very l...
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