DEMAT Account & Brokers
DEMAT - First Step To Start Trading In the last blog we have learnt about the Indian Stock exchanges, indices, sectors and their stocks. In this blog we are going to learn about how to start trading. Now a days because of the easy access to the internet and with the help of social media, 90% of people know how to start trading by opening a DEMAT account . It's a very easy process of opening a demat account. As you have to choose best broker and you just need to visit their websites. After visiting the website you just have fill out the information like name, email id and phone number form and then either the representative will call you and help you to complete the process or else you can do it by yourself. There are so many companies out there in the market with the exciting offers related to opening of demat account with their firm. Some will charge zero opening account charges and you have to pay AMC charges. (AMC - It's basically annual maintenance charges which broker co...
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