Stock Market Segments

Hello Everyone...!!!

Now I hope that you all have gone through the trading or the brokers website and got an overview what is stock market.

Let's dig deeper into the market.

Stock Market Segments 

Stock market has the vast areas of investment opportunities. There are so many ways where one can invest with little amount. But you need a proper knowledge and practical experience to enhance in the stock market. So let's look into some segments :

  • Equities (Cash Market)
  • Derivatives
  • Currency
  • Commodities
  • Forex
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Mutual Fund
  • SIP

All the above are the instruments in which your money gets invested directly or indirectly in the Stock market.

I will not go conceptually in each segment because it has no use of knowing the definition of each topic. But I will try to explain practically which can be easily understandable.

As a beginner one should try to trade with equity or cash market. Then after certain time period with the good experience you can start trading in other segments as mentioned above.

But mainly people trades in Equity market and Derivatives market only. So we will know about these two segments only.

For beginners I suggest to start trading in equity market as it is less risky and need less amount of money than derivatives. Basically In equity market you can buy 1 share or 100 shares of a company according to your capital which comes in a less risk in terms of loss.

Derivatives segment have two more types i.e. Futures & Options. This segment is quite risky for beginner traders as we have to trade on lots. Lot means a specified number of shares.A company can have lot size of 50, 100, 500 shares as well as 1000 shares or more. That is why there is a risk while trading this segment.

But as you grow your knowledge and experience you can earn immense amount of money.

I know all of you have seen profit screenshots of  50 lac to 1Cr on many social media platforms. All those traders trades in derivatives probably in Index options. I can say that out these only 5 % percent are real or profitable traders while others are just looting peoples by showing lacs and crores of profit to attract to make people buy their products.

One of the most shocking fact that I came to know few months ago is that all that profit statement can be edited with help of editors or software. One can not differ in between what is fake or what is real.

So you can tell your friends that you are a CROREPATI. Just edit your profit.

That's all for this blog. see you in the next one.


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