StockEdge - Simplify Stock market Analysis


StockEdge is India's best and fastest growing Equity Market Analysis platform with a 100 % focus on research and analytics. It helps the Indian trader and investor to make better investment decisions by providing them an excellent in depth information about market related terms. It also has an educational content section where it will help young population to learn about various facts of equity market.

There are 100's of Share market app's available on the play store. So the first question may have arise in your mind is that why should I download another app.

StockEdge has been created with the purpose of making stock market analysis easy to understand.



News & Updates section  - The idea behind Stockedge is that they want us to spend minimum time and earn maximum. Spend at least 15 mins daily before market opens to know about the important happening of the market with the news data.

FII/DII activity - If you want to keep a track of Foreign investors or Domestic investor view on the market , refer to this section of the app, you will get an overview of their cash allocation decisions.

Indices - You can find the market trend and how the index are performing with the help of indices section. All the major NSE and BSE indices are available here.

Deals - Bulk, block and Insider deals are as important as these deals impacts the overall sharre price and done in huge quantity.

Sectors - This section involves all the stock under specific sectors with name for example Agriculture, Automobile, metals, Metal, IT , Banking, etc.

Stocks - If you want to do a detailed study of any individual stock, search it from home screen or Stocks section. You can access all the important information about the stock like chart, technical levels, performance, bulk/block deals,  Fundamental overview, results, ratios, balance sheet, cash flow statement, Corporate action, News, conference call, investor presentation files and much more all with a single swipe.

Mutual Fund -  Also there is section of Mutual fund in the bottom part of the app which will give you the detailed information about names of the AMC (Asset management Company) available in the market, Various Schemes and details of Fund Managers. You can also analyze and compare different types funds that are providing profit and growth.

Learn - These section guide you on the basic topics of the Stock market along with videos on how to use them in App. In this you will get in depth market with help of short videos in an easily understanding way. 

Topics covered such as follows:

  1. A2Z of trading
  2. A2Z of Investing
  3. Stockedge app tutorials
  4. Technical analysis
  5. Fundamental Analysis
  6. Derivatives
  7. Mutual Fund


Bottom line

StockEdge is the only App where you get in-depth knowledge, information related to 5000 Indian stocks displayed in the easiest possible way thus making the user experience a delight.

Visit Website here :

Get The App Now!  





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